On 2019-07-19 6:36 a.m., Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
> On 7/18/19 10:01 PM, Guy Dunphy via cctalk wrote:
>> I have a lot more to say about the wisdom of destroying original publications
>> to scan them, especially when you are not already an expert at scanning and
>> the many tradeoffs.
>> But have to go afk just now.
> It would seem to be possible today.  Perhaps with a laser scanner that
> also determines the focal plane of the area of the text it's trying to scan?
There are both software (e.g. some of Matt Zucker's code) and hardware
(e.g. what google does) solutions for this, and published research on
related matters.


> I'm sure there must be something like this.
> --Chuck

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