On 19/07/2019 06:01, Guy Dunphy via cctalk wrote:

I have a lot more to say about the wisdom of destroying original publications
to scan them, especially when you are not already an expert at scanning and
the many tradeoffs.
But have to go afk just now.

I scanned a decent amount, several hundred items, when I had access to reasonable scanners. I've "destroyed" precisely one item and that actually still exists (I cut the spine off but I still have all the pages). A few other docs had already fallen apart (the glue in the binding had failed over the years) so I may have separated out the last few remaining pages. Everything else was either in a ring binder or stapled together (in which case I've reassembled the document afterwards).

So scanning doesn't necessarily lead to a reduction in available hardcopy.

I suspect that much more is lost either due to "I need the space, this has to go" or time (water damage, pages sticking together, mice/worms, whatever).

Which reminds me, I need to find online copies of Personal Computer World so I can sell off a few boxes worth :-)


Antonio Carlini

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