> On Jan 28, 2019, at 9:50 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> wrote:
>> On Jan 27, 2019, at 9:27 PM, Fritz Mueller via cctalk
>> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
>> ...
>> Input <[0,1]CRASH.SYS>?
>> Output <KB:ANALYS.DMP>?
>> Crash Error Log Filename <$ERRCRS.FIL>?
>> Analysis of (0,1)CRASH.SYS/SIL:SY0:(0,1)RSTS.SIL
>> Taken on 27-Jan-89 at 06:16 PM
>> Certain Critical values are inaccurate
>> Octal Dump of Status will not be attempted
> That's puzzling. How did you generate the crash dump? I remember that
> message but not what causes it (if I ever knew).
> Perhaps it wants to read the defaults. If so, copying the monitor SIL file
> would take care of that.
> Is the system on which you're running this ANALYS run using the same monitor
> as the failed system? Maybe that's the issue. If ANALYS is using current
> monitor offsets to find data structures in the dump file, that won't work if
> you're analyzing a dump from a different system.
Looking at the 10.1 source of ANALYS: it defaults to the installed SIL (of the
running system). So if your dump came from a different system, that won't be
correct. In V10.1 there is a switch to supply the correct SIL name. You might
try that for your run. Specify "/SIL:yourmonitor.SIL" on the "input" prompt.
Or, if needed, "crashfile/SIL:monitor" if you need to supply a different dump
file name as well.
So you do need the correct SIL file. As-built should be sufficient (I don't
believe it cares about the defaults, so the stuff INIT saves into the DEFALT
section of the monitor SIL should not be needed).