> On Jan 27, 2019, at 3:06 PM, Fritz Mueller <fri...@fritzm.org> wrote: > > I'll keep you posted about what I find out from ANALYS!
Posted below. I've elided the core dump here so not to spam everybody; will send off-list. Note that I only copied over the blocks of [0,1]CRASH.SYS, and overlaid them on a copy of the disk image that I already had on my machine, then booted that under SIMH to run ANALYS. Is copying over [0,1]CRASH.SYS enough, or need I take the time to image the entire disk after the dump? ======================================================== ANALYS V06C-03 RSTS V06C-03 FRITZTS Input <[0,1]CRASH.SYS>? Output <KB:ANALYS.DMP>? Crash Error Log Filename <$ERRCRS.FIL>? Analysis of (0,1)CRASH.SYS/SIL:SY0:(0,1)RSTS.SIL Taken on 27-Jan-89 at 06:16 PM Certain Critical values are inaccurate Octal Dump of Status will not be attempted Further LOGINS were Disabled Crash Dump Status From 27-Jan-89 at 05:37 PM, Up: 3:16 Job Who Where What Size State Run-Time Priority RTS 1 1,2 KB0 2/28K RN 2.5 0 BASIC Run-Time Systems: Name Ext Size Users Comments BASIC BAC 14(16)K 1 Loading, KBM, CSZ Busy Devices: None Disk Structure: Disk Open Free Cluster Errors Name Comments DK0 0 1599 1 0 RSTS6C Pub, DLW Small Large Jobs Hung TTY'S Errors 166 1 1/1 0 616 Message Receivers: Name Job Msgs Max Senders ERRLOG 0 3 40 Priv CORE DUMP OF MONITOR ERRDIS Full Report (All Types) taken on 27-Jan-89, 06:16 PM Input File: $ERRCRS.FIL Output File: KB:ANALYS.DMP Requested Date/Time Range: First Error through Last Error $ERRCRS.FIL will not be Zeroed upon completion ************************************************************************ PF PowerFail/Strtup Seq #1 Occurred on 27-Jan-89 at 05:34:01 PM Detailed Description: --------------------- R0 000000 R1 000000 R2 000000 R3 000000 R4 000000 R5 000000 Virtual PC 040222 Physical PC 00040222 Processor Status 034140 Stack Pointer 001770 (SP) 000077 (SP+2) 000000 (PC-6) 000361 (PC-4) 000000 (PC-2) 000000 (PC) 012705 CPU ID 0 CPU ERR 000000 ************************************************************************ CK RTS Declared Seq #2 Occurred on 27-Jan-89 at 05:34:01 PM User Description: ----------------- Job Number 1 KB Number 0 Account [1,2] Program Name User Job Physical Addr. 00230000 User Job Size 2K Control Parameters 200 RTS Name BASIC RTS Physical Address 00124000 Detailed Description: --------------------- R0 000000 R1 000000 R2 000000 R3 000000 R4 000000 R5 000000 Virtual PC 000000 Physical PC 00230000 Processor Status 174000 Stack Pointer 000374 (SP) 000001 (SP+2) 174000 (PC-6) 177777 (PC-4) 000000 (PC-2) 177777 (PC) 000000 CPU ID 0 CPU ERR 000000 ************************************************************************ CK RTS Declared Seq #3 Occurred on 27-Jan-89 at 05:34:02 PM Repeat Count: 102 User Description: ----------------- Job Number 1 KB Number 0 Account [1,2] Program Name User Job Physical Addr. 00230000 User Job Size 2K Control Parameters 200 RTS Name BASIC RTS Physical Address 00124000 Detailed Description: --------------------- R0 000000 R1 000000 R2 000000 R3 000000 R4 000000 R5 000000 Virtual PC 000000 Physical PC 00230000 Processor Status 174000 Stack Pointer 000374 (SP) 000002 (SP+2) 174000 (PC-6) 177777 (PC-4) 000000 (PC-2) 177777 (PC) 000000 CPU ID 0 CPU ERR 000000 Reported Date/Time Range: 27-Jan-89, 05:34:01 PM through 27-Jan-89, 05:34:02 PM File Totals Follow: RTS Declared -- 104 Errors Logged out of 104 Received PowerFail/Strtup -- 1 Error Logged out of 1 Received 2 out of 30 Blocks have been used in $ERRCRS.FIL Ready