> On Jan 27, 2019, at 9:27 PM, Fritz Mueller via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
>> On Jan 27, 2019, at 3:06 PM, Fritz Mueller <fri...@fritzm.org> wrote:
>> I'll keep you posted about what I find out from ANALYS!
> Posted below.  I've elided the core dump here so not to spam everybody; will 
> send off-list.
> Note that I only copied over the blocks of [0,1]CRASH.SYS, and overlaid them 
> on a copy of the disk image that I already had on my machine, then booted 
> that under SIMH to run ANALYS.  Is copying over [0,1]CRASH.SYS enough, or 
> need I take the time to image the entire disk after the dump?

Just the crash file.  However...

> ========================================================
> Input <[0,1]CRASH.SYS>? 
> Output <KB:ANALYS.DMP>? 
> Crash Error Log Filename <$ERRCRS.FIL>? 
> Analysis of (0,1)CRASH.SYS/SIL:SY0:(0,1)RSTS.SIL
>        Taken on 27-Jan-89 at 06:16 PM
> Certain Critical values are inaccurate
> Octal Dump of Status will not be attempted

That's puzzling.  How did you generate the crash dump?  I remember that message 
but not what causes it (if I ever knew).

Perhaps it wants to read the defaults.  If so, copying the monitor SIL file 
would take care of that.

Is the system on which you're running this ANALYS run using the same monitor as 
the failed system?  Maybe that's the issue.  If ANALYS is using current monitor 
offsets to find data structures in the dump file, that won't work if you're 
analyzing a dump from a different system.


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