Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez wrote:
Still, no luck making the console work; the 320H does not assert DTR or RTS even though it is seeing DSR, CTS, and DCD asserted.

2) I cleaned the floppy drive (it wasn't that dirty), re-wrote the four aix diagnostics floppies and tried them once more in service mode.  The same thing happened: it reads the complete first disk (apparently without error), but then it goes again to read the hard drive and stalls in the same spot.  Does anybody have images of diagnostics floppies that would be known to work in a 320H?

3) I now have AIX 4.3.3 install CDs.  Does the 320H expect a CDROM drive to be at a specific SCSI ID?


I have made some progress here.  I imaged the original hard drive and by searching this image in bvi I found that the original AIX version in it is AIX 3.1.     I found another set of BOSboot diskettes on the net, but for AIX 3.2, and some advice about not running the getrootfs script in the maintenance shell of V3.2 in a V3.1 system.  I was able to boot the maintenance shell off these diskettes (Finally the console came up! My console cable and my MODU serial connector kludge were fine).  I figured a way to mount the hard drive's partitions in this ramdisk-based maintenance shell and get around the very limited commands in this shell (no ed, ex, vi, ls, or many others) to modify /etc/security/passwd, /etc/inittab to something basic.   I found that there is no /sbin or /usr/sbin in this hard drive, but then I noticed that most of the commands that usually reside in those directories were to be found in /etc .  With one major omission:  there is no /etc/mount anywhere to be found.  I found that the programs in the hard drive bomb immediately ("Killed") in the V3.2 maintenance shell, so I believe that they are binary-incompatible.  After all of this, I was able to boot (partiallly, see below) the machine and log in the root account. But, since the mount command is missing, the file systems in /etc/filesystems were not mounted, so I do not have access to /usr .  I copied the /etc/mount command in the V3.2 maintenance shell to /etc/mount in the hard drive, but this command also bombs under V 3.1. So, I need a copy of the /etc/mount binary from AIX V3.1 .  I think that I can mount a DOS floppy and transfer this binary that way (this system does not have a network card). Or, I can copy the /usr/bin/uudecode binary from the /usr partition to /etc/uudecode in the root partition while in the maintenance shell and then use that to get the
binary while under V3.1 .

So, does anybody have access to an AIX V3.1 /etc/mount binary?

My inittab generates some errors, all of which seem to be attributable to the fact that /usr is not mounted.

Eventually, I will probably install AIX 4.3.3, but first I need to get more SD2SCSI devices, so that will take a while.


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