On Wed, 14 Mar 2018, Zane Healy wrote:

I’ve been using the HP SFF systems. I think the i5 I got specifically to run SIMH is a 6300. It’s an i5-3470 3.2Ghz system with 4 GB RAM. I had to add a hard drive, but had an old 500GB drive laying around. That’s plenty big to backup and migrate the data on my Compaq XP1000 running OpenVMS 8.3 to. It’s not a modern system, but it’s newer by far than any of my real VMS hardware. To me the key thing is, it only cost $75.

Ah, ok. So you're using little desktop boxes for it. You might want to look into an R710 then. I paid around $350 for mine (no drives) and it came with a pair of Xeon 5570 CPUs at 2.93 Ghz and 32GB of RAM. I dropped four Western Digital 2TB Red SATA drives into it and it goes like a scalded cat. I've got three Win7x64, four Linux servers, one MacOS and one FreeBSD instance running on it. The average power consumption is around 173 watts according to ESXi. I may have to try SIMH on there as well, but the only PAKs I have are for MicroVMS 4 if memory serves...


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