On Wed, 14 Mar 2018, Zane Healy wrote:
I’ve been using the HP SFF systems. I think the i5 I got specifically
to run SIMH is a 6300. It’s an i5-3470 3.2Ghz system with 4 GB RAM. I
had to add a hard drive, but had an old 500GB drive laying around.
That’s plenty big to backup and migrate the data on my Compaq XP1000
running OpenVMS 8.3 to. It’s not a modern system, but it’s newer by far
than any of my real VMS hardware. To me the key thing is, it only cost
Ah, ok. So you're using little desktop boxes for it. You might want to
look into an R710 then. I paid around $350 for mine (no drives) and it
came with a pair of Xeon 5570 CPUs at 2.93 Ghz and 32GB of RAM. I dropped
four Western Digital 2TB Red SATA drives into it and it goes like a
scalded cat. I've got three Win7x64, four Linux servers, one MacOS and
one FreeBSD instance running on it. The average power consumption is
around 173 watts according to ESXi. I may have to try SIMH on there as
well, but the only PAKs I have are for MicroVMS 4 if memory serves...
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