> On Mar 13, 2018, at 4:22 PM, Benjamin Huntsman via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> So for the most part, no hobbyists are running DS15’s?  I’m sort of surprised 
> that there’s that many still in critical production roles.  Where’s all the 
> VAR guys trying to help people migrate? Haha.

A better question might be, how many DS15’s were produced compared to something 
like the AlphaStation 200 4/233.

I’d love a DS15, but if they are far from cheap.  

A lot of the VAR’s are trying to get folks to migrate to Emulated Alpha’s from 
what I’m seeing.  My guess is that anyone that was going to convert to Itanium 
did, and many of those are now looking towards porting to Xeon.  Personally I’m 
skipping Itanium, but will be looking to move to Xeon at some point.  I rather 
like the idea of running OpenVMS on an HP DL360 or DL380.


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