On Wed, 14 Mar 2018, Zane Healy wrote:

Really on the VAX side, emulation makes sense. For $75, I picked up a HP i5 system that’s dedicated to running SIMH 24x7, and I also have SIMH running on my HP i7 ESXI system, and on a RPi2. The i7 is my fastest “VAX”.

Zane, what's the host OS that you're using for SIMH?



I’m currently using Ubuntu (I’ve run SIMH a lot of different UNIX & Linux flavors over the years).

With the ESXI and RPi systems, I’m using the version of SIMH/VAX that Ubuntu provides. With the i5, I upgraded to current to try to resolve some issues. The i5 is serving up several large drives, and a couple small Shadowsets that it shares with another system. The Shadowsets are for Cluster Files, and critical data. It’s also my cluster tape server (virtual tapes).

There can be issues, but I think the ones I’ve run into are more a OpenVMS/VAX v7.3 & OpenVMS/Alpha v8.3 clustering issue. Backing up an ODS-5 disk from a VAX isn’t a good idea, but it seems fine to back it up from the Alpha, to a tape drive on the VAX.

What model of HP i5 did you get? I'm entertaining the idea of getting another R710, but they're still ~$250 plus drives.



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