Interesting Stuff...
One of my heroes - Ray Kurzweil - says that when he builds
a new product that he always projects what the computer horsepower
will be like when the product is ready to launch.
Say, an 18-month development cycle, then design the product to run on
a computer with twice the processing power as available at the start
of the project.
Obviously, he is not advocating bloatware - far from it.
Go for products that cannot effectively work today because of the
processing requirements, but will work when released - things like
AI/deep learning/advanced DSP/image understanding etc.
Regards to the List from the Rocky Mountains.
ps - I HATE and LOATHE bloatware - e.g., so much MicroSoft stuff.
But, it is a common attitutde. I gave an assignment of writing a
program that could sort a data set that was too big to fit into memory.
Students COMPLAINED (including complaint to the dean), saying that
the "CORRECT" solution is replace the computer with one with more RAM.
Response to assignment of optimizing an algorithm to make it more
efficient was: "replace the computer with a faster one."
They refused to accept the premise that there is any benefit to
efficient data structures or efficient algorithms.
Grumpy Ol' Fred
Jack Harper, President
Secure Outcomes Inc
2942 Evergreen Parkway, Suite 300
Evergreen, Colorado 80439 USA
303.670.3750 (fax) for Product Info.