> On Sep 16, 2017, at 4:10 PM, Paul Koning via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
>> On Sep 16, 2017, at 9:52 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> does anyone have any spare "pivot bushings" for the DEC H9xx series
>>> cabinets (H950, H960, etc)? (These are the short pieces with a conical
>>> top which fit over the hinge pins, at the bottom.)
>>> ...
>>> I could also use some more of the pins (particularly the kind with the
>>> hole drilled through them to take a roll pin)
>> Someone asked for an image of these; here:
>> http://ana-3.lcs.mit.edu/~jnc/tech/jpg/H9xxPinBushing.jpg
>> is one. The pin in the picture is the kind without the hole at one end, but
>> they are otherwise identical. (Ignore the retaining ring on the pin; those
>> are easy to get, my local hardware store has them.)
> If you have a lathe, this looks like a very nice beginner's project.  Start 
> with a rod of the right diameter; a simple way to get such a rod is to buy a 
> long bolt, because those are mostly not threaded.  Failing that, get a length 
> of "drill rod" from a metal supply outlet.  Then all you need is to grind a 
> tool bit (high speed steel) to form a narrow screwdriver-like tip to cut 
> those grooves.  Hold the rod in the lathe, cut the grooves in the right 
> spots, cut the thing to length, done.

Ok, I read that wrong.  You were talking about the short thing.  Still, that's 
an easy project.  Same idea.  Start with a rod, grip in the chuck, drill, cut 
bevel, cut the two diameters, then cut to length.  Elementary lathe operation 
books are easy to find; the South Bend Lathe manual that used to be reprinted 
by Lindsay Publications is very good.  It's probably still available even 
though Lindsay unfortunately retired some years ago.


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