> From: Christian Corti > I don't like the idea of CF or SD at all. I'd pretty much prefer PATA > or SATA, because ... Real drives are also much more reliable than flash > drives,
I found this interesting/troubling, because Dave Bridgham and I decided to use SD cards, after I initially suggested using IDE drives (That was in part because those where what I had lying around, and because one replaces a disk with a disk, no? - and in part because Brad Parker's RK11 emulator - the page for which appears to no longer be online, sadly - used an IDE drive.) But when Dave suggested using SD cards instead, I was immediately drawn to the idea of using a memory card, because I have suffered greatly over the years with disks failing from head crashes, etc (even IDE drives fail on occasion), and going with non-mechanical storage, which could not (almost by definition) have a mechanical failure attracted me greatly. But are SD cards really that unreliable? If they were, I'd have thought I'd have heard more about it - e.g. friends grousing about having lost things when an SD card failed. But I don't recall ever hearing such a story? (I'm not discussing their very long-term stability, that's different.) Noel