> On Aug 3, 2017, at 7:10 AM, Rick Bensene via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> That said, my PDP 11 is Unibus, and Unibus SCSI controllers are darned 
> expen$ive.

They’re desirable and not a lot around.  So it’s not terribly surprising.

Having several different Unibus board designs in various stages (not making a 
lot of progress because of this damned thing called “work”) I can tell you that 
producing a *reliable* Unibus board is *not* going to be cheap.

> I do have some working Fujitsu SMD drives (now, these drives just keep on 
> running!), and I'd love to find a Unibus SMD controller (preferably Emulex), 
> so that I could run a couple of these drives on the 11.   Anyone out there 
> got one that emulates popular PDP-11 disk drives supported by most of the 
> OS's (RT-11, RSTS, and BSD Unix) that can make a given SMD drive "appear" 
> compatible that the would be willing to part with for a reasonable price?  
> I've heard that the Emulex UD33 and SC21 are the SMD controllers of choice, 
> but do they do MSCP?   I'd love to head any comments from those "in the know" 
> out there.  Are there other alternatives other than Emulex that may work well 
> also?

If memory serves me correctly, the Emulex UD33 and SC21 emulate RP11 style 
controllers.  Which is a *good* thing.  For older Unibus systems RP11 (and 
OS’s) it’s better supported than MSCP.

TTFN - Guy

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