correct that was how I've always low-level formatted RX02s, using 3rd party controllers.
On 8/2/17 9:46 AM, Jay West wrote: > Eric (via AEK) wrote.... > -------------- > "RX02 format uses single-density address fields even for double density. The > RX02 can "reformat" standard single-density into RX02 modified MFM format > just by rewriting all of the data fields. > > It still can't low-level format a blank or MFM disk." > > So you have to have a single-density IBM formatted disk which the RX02 can > convert > -------------- > Assuming DEC hardware. ISTR that if you have one of the fairly common DSD > drives (ex DSD440/880) then you can in fact format the RX02 disks. > > J >