ok, got this clarification from Eric Smith

"RX02 format uses single-density address fields even for double density. The 
RX02 can "reformat" standard single-density
into RX02 modified MFM format just by rewriting all of the data fields.
It still can't low-level format a blank or MFM disk."

So you have to have a single-density IBM formatted disk which the RX02 can 

On 8/2/17 7:05 AM, Christian Corti via cctalk wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Aug 2017, Al Kossow wrote:
>> There is no way to low-level format disks on a DEC RX01 or RX02. The 
>> hardware doesn't support it in the controller
>> inside the DEC disk drive. DEC expected you to buy media from them.
> Not really. You can use any standard 3740 formatted disk (i.e. 26 
> sectors/track, 128 bytes/sector, 77 tracks, FM) and
> change it to RX02 formatting in an RX02 drive with
> or change it back to RX01 with
> In both cases you need to
> to create the directory.
>> You could also clone a formatted double-density disks with a flux-level 
>> reader/writer board.
> Only a /slight/ overkill...
> Christian

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