On 10/8/2016 11:22 AM, Corey Cohen wrote:
On Oct 8, 2016, at 12:07 PM, "j...@cimmeri.com"<j...@cimmeri.com>  wrote:

The fact that a friggin' *movie* raises the value of something, also really 
irks me.  How did movies ever become the be-all, end-all?

I'm sure others are irked as well by the intrusions of greed or irrationality into what can 
otherwise be a pure, unadulterated, hobby.  Isn't it funny that the word "adult" is used 
in "adulterated" -- as if the notion of adulthood renders things impure.  Well, in this 
case, certain forms of adulthood do due render this hobby impure.

- J.
I think you misunderstood my points.

I actually completely understood them. Maybe you misunderstand mine.

The hobby has already changed.

Not for me it hasn't. You write of "the hobby" as a monolith. It's not monolithic; there's more than one hobby (or outcome), circling around these material items. In other words, there's these material items out there in the marketplace (or that eventually reach a marketplace), and these items can go down different roads depending on why they're purchased. There's *this* particular hobbyist road, then there's the investment road, the museum road, and so on. Some people also combine purposes.

  Just like the car collecting, comic book collection and just about most other 
hobbies when they mature.   The same type of people who complained about the 
price of an Xmen#1 because people would just buy and display them and not read 
them, complain when someone buys an ALTAIR to sit on their desk and doesn't 
turn it on.   Better that than the garbage heap, without money coming into our 
hobby it would eventually die out and many artifacts would be lost to the dump.

I think the people who complain about "Altairs just sitting on desks" might be doing so for at least one reason being because a particular purpose seems to violate the original spirit, intent, and purpose behind the creation. I hear that a lot eg. "it's a shame it's just sitting there, not being used."

It's when other purposes come in, and begin to make this hobby purpose more difficult to engage in and "unobtainium", that the hobbyists lament. If there were enough for everyone, then there'd be no complaining.

I partially disagree that money needs to come into *our* hobby to keep it alive. Rather, I hold that money needs to go into *their* investment purpose to keep THAT purpose alive. I think we'd do just fine, paying reasonable amounts, to keep our hobby alive without these other purposes in the game.

- J.

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