On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 8:58 AM, Douglas Taylor <dj.tayl...@comcast.net> wrote:
> It is the World Box, BA123 and I have hardware manuals that came with the
> When I got it this was the configuration:
> Slot 1 - CPU
> Slot 2 - Memory
> Slot 3 - Bus Grant Card M9047
> Slot 4 - DHV11
> Slot 5 - TQK50  (upper) M9047 (lower)
> Slot 6 - RQDX2
> The new configuration is:
> Slot 1 - CPU
> Slot 2 - Memory (Clearpoint)
> Slot 3 - Memory (DEC)
> Slot 4 - DHV11
> Slot 5 - TQK50  (upper) VIKING (lower)
> Slot 6 - RQDX2
> I even tried moving the cards:
> Slot 1 - CPU
> Slot 2 - Memory (Clearpoint)
> Slot 3 - Memory (DEC)
> Slot 4 - Bus Grant M9047
> Slot 5 - DHV11
> Slot 6 - TQK50  (upper) VIKING (lower)
> Slot 7 - RQDX2
> In the last two configurations VMS sees the disk/floppy controller just fine
> but not the tape or serial ports.
> Today I will pull the DHV11 and put it in the MV4000 and see if it shows up
> just to check if the board is OK.
> If there is none, or a faulty, TK50 drive attached the controller does VMS
> react to this?
> Doug

Here is one example of how the expected floating CSR address and
vector for a DHV11 will shift depending on whether a system contains 2
MSCP controllers instead of 1:


MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Beta        git commit id: 5c117caa
sim> boot cpu
Loading boot code from internal ka655x.bin

KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7
Performing normal system tests.
Tests completed.
Enter device configuration, HELP, or EXIT
Device,Number? help
 LPV11        KXJ11        DLV11J       DZQ11        DZV11        DFA01
 RLV12        TSV05        RXV21        DRV11W       DRV11B       DPV11
 DMV11        DELQA        DEQNA        DESQA        RQDX3        KDA50
 RRD50        RQC25        KFQSA-DISK   TQK50        TQK70        TU81E
 RV20         KFQSA-TAPE   KMV11        IEQ11        DHQ11        DHV11
 CXA16        CXB16        CXY08        VCB01        QVSS         LNV11
 LNV21        QPSS         DSV11        ADV11C       AAV11C       AXV11C
 KWV11C       ADV11D       AAV11D       VCB02        QDSS         DRV11J
 DRQ3B        VSV21        IBQ01        IDV11A       IDV11B       IDV11C
 IDV11D       IAV11A       IAV11B       MIRA         ADQ32        DTC04
 DESNA        IGQ11
 1 to 255, default is 1
Device,Number? dhv11,1
Device,Number? tqk50,1
Device,Number? rqdx3,1
Device,Number? exit

Address/Vector Assignments
-772150/154 RQDX3
-774500/260 TQK50
-760440/300 DHV11

Enter device configuration, HELP, or EXIT
Device,Number? dhv11,1
Device,Number? tqk50,1
Device,Number? rqdx3,2
Device,Number? exit

Address/Vector Assignments
-772150/154 RQDX3
-760334/300 RQDX3
-774500/260 TQK50
-760500/310 DHV11

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