On 8/19/2016 4:55 PM, Douglas Taylor wrote:

Yes, it is an MSCP disk controller, and it seems to work OK. I boot from it and the CSR is at the standard 1st address, it is connected to a SCSI2SD board.

I think you have a good point about CSR addresses. There is a CONFIGURE tool that tells you what set the addresses to for a particular collection of options, I need to run that and then check that all the devices are set to the proper addresses.

I suspect that I don't see MUA0 show up because the tape drive is not working properly.
To make matters confusing, there's an aspect of floating CSRs I did not mention before. Some devices -- MSCP disk is one, TMSCP tape also I think -- have floating CSRS for the second and subsequent units, but the first is fixed. Others, like the DHV11, are all floating (including the first unit).


These comments have been very helpful, it has be over 10 years since I did these things with VAXes. It is starting to come back, little by little. Re-visiting the VAX is turning out to be fun, it is somewhat like a treasure hunt.

When I run CONFIGURE I will post what the CSR's should be and what I had them set to.


Here are the results:

Before - the CSR, VEC were set as follows

VIKING MSCP Disk controller : CSR 772150 VEC 154
RQDX2 MSCP Disk controller : CSR 760334 VEC 300
DHV11 Serial Mux :                   CSR 760460 VEC 300
TQK50 TMSCP controller :        CSR 774500 VEC 260

After -

 $ run sys$system:sysgen

DEVICE> uda,2
DEVICE> tu81
DEVICE> dhv11

Device: UDA     Name: PUA       CSR: 772150       Vector: 154 Support: yes
Device: TU81 Name: PTA CSR: 774500 Vector: 260 Support: yes
Device: UDA     Name: PUB       CSR: 760334*      Vector: 300* Support: yes
Device: DHV11 Name: TXA CSR: 760500* Vector: 310* Support: yes


After changing the CSR and VEC of the DHV11 and rebooting :

$ show edev

Device                  Device           Error    Volume Free  Trans Mnt

 Name                   Status           Count     Label Blocks Count Cnt

DUA0:                   Online               0
DUA1:                   Mounted              0  VAXVMSV055 1954644   126   1

DUB0:                   Online               0
DUB1:                   Online               0

Device                  Device           Error
 Name                   Status           Count
FTA0:                   Offline              0
OPA0:                   Online               0
TXA0:                   Online               0
TXA1:                   Online               0
TXA2:                   Online               0
TXA3:                   Online               0
TXA4:                   Online               0
TXA5:                   Online               0
TXA6:                   Online               0
TXA7:                   Online               0

Device                  Device           Error
 Name                   Status           Count
PTA0:                   Online               1
PUA0:                   Online               1
PUB0:                   Online               1
WSA0:                   Offline              0

The TK50 still does not show up, I think it is because the tape drive is not functioning (can't move the lever to allow a tape to be loaded). However, I do have functional RX50 floppys, just need some media. I have a couple spare TK50's and will try those to see what happens.


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