-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org] On Behalf Of Mark G
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 3:17 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: SWTPC 6800

Hi Brad,

On Wed, Aug 03, 2016 at 10:58:44PM -0700, Brad H wrote:
> Thought I would post this here in case it reaches eyes my forum posts 
> don't.  So I finally got my hands on a SWTPC 6800! This machine is chock
full of boards.. 4 ram boards, the cpu card (with SWTBUG ROM), MP-S, MP-C
serial cards, a floppy controller, some little custom board, a sound card..
> This presents some challenges obviously, since the machine has been
altered from stock it could be tricky getting it running.

There was someone with a table at VCF-East for the past two years who had
new SWTPC replica and enhanced interface boards. He also had interesting 
kim-1 peripheral boards, with things such as booting from SD-card support.

I cannot remember his name right now, but I have one of his coffee mugs
somewhere, so can find it out and follow up, if no one else beats me to it.



Sounds like http://www.corshamtech.com/


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