Sorry list, now trying top post … somehow my typed tekst goes into a bit bucket.

Back in the seventies (well, 1979-1980) I had a 6800-based modular
system in a 19" rack, 3HE high. One Euro-card was the 6800 CPU, another
Euro-card was 8k RAM ("famous" 2112’s IIRC), one Euro-card with 8 sockets
for 2716 EPROMs. Plus a self-made cassette interface. I still remember
buying two 2716 EPROMs for 313 Guilders!  That was a lot of money for a
poor student! Two years later I bought a generic floppy disk interface
and 5.25” TEAC FD50 floppy drive (SS/SD) and wrote my own “DOS”. Took 8
months, but I no longer needed the cassette interface.

A small bookshop in Amsterdam (Computer Collectief) sold great books (at
that time) for the real hobbyist. That way I got the TSC Editor, TSC
Assembler, TSC Linker and TSC Debugger. And it all came with source
listings, so I could hack away my own interface routines :-)

With the TSC software I developed my first StarShip assembler code.
It was some 10 to 14 files which you assembled to "relocatables".
Subsequently you used the linker to create the "absolute" from the
relocatables. Worked really well.  Those were the days!

I still have the 6800 system, Build-It-Yourself keyboard and monitor.
I wonder whether the EPROMs would still have all bits OK, after 35 years.

Fond memories,
- Henk

PS. I have a 6800 source listing of StarTrek, not sure that came from TSC!

Van: Toby Thain<>
Verzonden: donderdag 4 augustus 2016 17:11
Onderwerp: Re: SWTPC 6800

On 2016-08-04 8:19 AM, william degnan wrote:
> ...
> All of this is well documented online, Mike Holley has a step by step set
> up on his site.  A few years ago I retyped the entire code listing of TSC
> BASIC which can be downloaded into  bare bones SWTPC 6800

Same one as this?


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