Thanks Jim!
Wish I could go but I'm up in BC and haven't renewed my passport in a couple of 
years.  One of these days for sure though.

Sent from my Samsung device

-------- Original message --------
From: jim stephens <> 
Date: 2016-08-03  11:54 PM  (GMT-08:00) 
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <> 
Subject: Re: SWTPC 6800 

On 8/3/2016 10:58 PM, Brad H wrote:
> Thought I would post this here in case it reaches eyes my forum posts don't.  
> So I finally got my hands on a SWTPC 6800!
> This machine is chock full of boards.. 4 ram boards, the cpu card (with 
> SWTBUG ROM), MP-S, MP-C serial cards, a floppy controller, some little custom 
> board, a sound card.. etc.
> This presents some challenges obviously, since the machine has been altered 
> from stock it could be tricky getting it running.
> Before I had it stripped down, I tried powering up as is (i pulled the older 
> MP-C card and put MP-S in slot 1).  This produced little except for a string 
> of random characters that would repeat every time I hit reset, exactly the 
> same number.
> I tried stripping it down to CPU card, MP-S, and the RAM board designated as 
> '0'.. but all I get at the terminal end is a single random character on power 
> up.
> I then thought I'd try my luck putting the CPU card in my working MSI system 
> (taking out its card).  Nope.
> Now, because my CPU card has been modified to accomodate SWTBUG and possibly 
> something else, I'm not sure if it'll even work in a stripped down config.  
> Not sure about the interplay between boards.
> Anyway.. if anyone has any thoughts to point me in the right direction I'd be 
> most appreciative.  Ultimately I'd like to get this beast working with my 
> CT1024 terminals.
> Brad
I saw an SWTPC booth registered at VCF West, maybe you should drop by.  
I'll look in and see what they have and maybe they can help too.

Only SWTPC gizmo I have is one of their audio amplifiers somewhere in 
the pile.  Picked up at TRW Swap Meet.

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