On 2015-Oct-16, at 7:30 PM, Brad wrote:

> Here's some detail shots of the unit (including two of the front and back of
> the mainboard).  Note the 6821 in the middle that has 'BAD' scratched into
> it.
> Front:
> http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/unclefalter/media/20151016_191325_zpscaec0dg8.jpg.html
> http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/unclefalter/media/20151016_191426_zpsmagz2dcc.jpg.html
> Back:
> http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/unclefalter/media/20151016_192343_zpsdgtagrl1.jpg.html
> Keypad:
> http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/unclefalter/media/20151016_192440_zpsioikuzdu.jpg.html

From what can be readily discerned, with some presumption, in functional not 
numeric order:

IC26 6875               clock generator

IC22 68B00              processor
        . . obviously

IC7 TBP18S22    PROM 256*8
        probably for address mapping of the RAM / ROM / IO.

IC19 2716                EPROM 2K*8      (or 2708 1K*8, note jumpers)
        firmware/monitor ROM

IC18 2716                EPROM 2K*8      (or 2708 1K*8, note jumpers)
        optional ROM

IC16 6514               SRAM 1024*4
IC17 6514               SRAM 1024*4
        1 KBytes of RAM

IC30 6821               IO 2*8+4
IC31 6821               IO 2*8+4
        IO to the keypad & LED display.
        It looks like the hex-to-7-seg decoding is done in software,
        over on the kbd/display PCB is a CA3082 7*NPN-tran, presumably
        used as LED drivers. One of the chips is masked by the photoflash.

IC29 6821               IO 2*8+4
        Goes to connector P1, just GPIO pins to play with.

IC15 6850               UART
IC13 1489               RS232 receiver
IC28 75150              line driver
IC25 4702               bit-rate generator
        Comprise a serial line interface.
        Not clear how the bit-rate is set, I'm guessing the rate selection pins 
of the 4702
        are fed by IC14 74175 latch, fed in turn from IO pins on IC30, so the 
baud rate would be
        be under programmatic control.

IC27 555                timer
        Not clear what that's for, might be an oscillator/timer for kbd/display 
        feeding into IC30 or 31.

The remaining chips are bus drivers and a little glue logic.


It's pretty straightforward for what it is.
Date codes of 1981, but the support for 2708 and 2716 EPROMs suggest the design 
is a few years earlier.

As IC30, the bad 6821, is involved in the keyboard/display you might try 
pulling it and replacing it with IC29.
If you want to be particular, pull it and check for bad voltages and current 
limits on the IO pins before plugging in a sub.

The expectation if it's running properly is that you'd press a key for a 
command followed by hex address or data,
e.g. EXAMine, enter the address XXXX, displayed as entered, memory contents 
displayed on entering 4th address digit.

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