Thanks Henk,

I tried that.  No prompt comes up with PUTTY on serial set at any baud rate.    
Instead on the LED display I get a C, or an S sometimes.

-----Original Message-----
From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Henk Gooijen
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 11:56 AM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <>
Subject: Re: ASCI u68 (SystemX)

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
From: Brad
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 8:27 PM
To: 'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'
Subject: RE: ASCI u68 (SystemX)

Many thanks.  I'll take a quick look online just to see if I can save you the 
trouble.  I'm surprised at how little documentation there is for this thing.

As a general rule, does anyone know -- if you have a single board computer like 
this with serial connector, is that 'live' all the time?  Or do you usually 
have to invoke a program in order for a terminal to connect to it and use it?

>From all the SBCs that I know, the standard serial port is always active. The 
>on-board monitor with very basic commands uses it as only means of 
After reset the monitor will "print" possible a one-line identification and on 
the next line some form of prompt.
Could be * or .  or > or - or whatever.

You need to know the com ports settings, but it prints an ID line you can try 
several baudrates. 9600 is a good start.

If you want 6800 info, ask. I can dream 6800 opcodes!
INX=$08, LDA # =$86, DEX=$09, STAindexed =$A6. etc.
Depending on the RAM size, I have a StarTrek version in 6800 assembler that 
uses a serial port ... IIRC, it is some 1.5k

- Henk 

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