Hi Brad,

I have a MEK6800 so not quite the same board but I know a little bit about
6800s ... I would suggest referring back to the original publications from
Mot ... there is a M6800 Applications Manual and a M6800 Programming Manual
... those are canonical and you should be able to find both on Bitsavers
... a nice "third party" book is "The 6800 Microprocessor" by Jack Quinn on
Merrill press ... you should be able to find a copy cheap ... few bucks.

Once you get into it a little bit, I think you'll find they're pretty
friendly to interface and program ... I/O is all memory-mapped ... and you
will appreciate having that extra accumulator and the 16-bit index register
handy if you're used to playing with the 6502 ... :O



On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:16 PM, Brad <unclefal...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Posting this to various forums in the hopes of finding someone in the know
> -
> I have this ASCI u68 system (6800 cpu) that I understand was used in
> educational environments.  I kind of have it running but know little about
> assembly language programming, etc.  Or the unit itself.  Have any of you
> ever messed with these?  It looks like it has a serial connector on its
> mainboard.. was trying to figure out a way if I could patch it to one of my
> terminals.
> Also trying to find some simple 6800 assembly programs/routines to test it
> and see if it really works properly.  There is an MC6821S chip on it (there
> are three of them actually) and one in the middle is marked 'BAD'.  I
> understand those handle peripherals.
> I'd also heard rumours there was a second board available for these that
> gave them BASIC.  I've never seen such a board for sale anywhere - wondered
> if anyone had seen one in the wild.
> Brad

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