Dear Eleanor:

Can't speak for the Molrep folks, but I would like to point out that PostScript is not non-modern and has some advantages:

It's a veritable programming language to write out math illustrations in simple text format (thus the files can also be edited using a simple text editor).

For an excellent reference, see:

Bill Casselman, "Mathematical Illustrations: A manual of geometry and PostScript" (Cambridge University Press, 2005); to check it out you can also take the link to Casselman's open access book pages at <>.

Since the files are simple text files, it's also easy to combine it with programming in Fortran etc. to generate illustrations directly, probably the reason Molrep prefers to generate .ps files (and at least I do hope it stays that way :). (Certainly the case also with other programs like George Sheldrick's SADABS and others.)

Conversion to pdf is straightforward:
$ ps2pdf <>
will generate a pdf file of the same name but with a pdf ending.

Or you can open postscript files themselves using evince, okular, ghostscript, gs, etc.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,

On 14.03.25 11:29, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
Did anyone come up with a modern method to do this?
MOLREP self rotation still writes postscript
hklview ditto - it PRETENDS to offer a pdf from ccp4i2 but that only shows the axes!

Help! Eleanor


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