I use ps2pdf command line converter to create a PDF from postscript files. 
Can't recall a case where it has failed to make a correct looking file (without 
knowing if something is missing, of course). Vector graphics are retained as 
such and files open nicely in Inkscape for editing, if that is needed.

Hth, Marko

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of Eleanor Dodson
Sent: 14 March 2025 10:30
Subject: [ccp4bb] viewing postscrippt files?

Did anyone come up with a modern method to do this?
MOLREP self rotation still writes postscript
hklview ditto - it PRETENDS to offer a pdf from ccp4i2 but that only shows the 

Help! Eleanor


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