Your file name contains space: "E1 11-2-25 URAC.tif".
This is not allowed. Please remove space from file names.
Also please don't use screenshots to show textual error messages.
Copy and paste them as texts next time.
Best regards,
Takanori Nakane
On 2025/03/11 22:18, Preeti wrote:
Dear Takanori,
Thank you for your help. I was doing exactly as you mentioned, but
with RELION 4.0.1. I will try it with RELION 5.0 instead
On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 5:19 PM Takanori Nakane <tnakane.protein@osaka-
u.ac.jp <mailto:tnakane.prot...@osaka-u.ac.jp>> wrote:
I cannot reproduce your problem.
I did (with RELION 5.0):
1. Import: make sure to set "Are these multi-frame movies:" No.
2. Manual picking: select "Import/jobXXX/micrographs.star".
Best regards,
Takanori Nakane
On 3/11/25 20:29, Preeti wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am currently encountering an issue during the processing of
> stain EM micrographs. I collected the raw images in |.tif| format
> negative stain EM imaging and intended to perform manual particle
> picking using RELION. After successfully importing the
micrographs, I
> proceeded directly to manual particle picking, skipping both motion
> correction and CTF estimation steps. However, when attempting to run
> manual particle picking using the imported micrographs as input,
> returns an error stating that it 'cannot read the file or that
the file
> does not exist' — even though the files are clearly present and
> functional, as Gaussian auto-picking (RELION) works without issue
on the
> same micrographs. I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions to
> resolve this issue, or recommendations for alternative software
> platforms where I can perform manual particle picking on negative
> micrographs
> Best regards,
> Preeti
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