Thankyou for those links

One of those papers seems to basically say that atoms that accumulate 
stratospheric B factors are "speculative", but Im working on an example with a 
Wilson B factor of over 100 where some of the weaker features have enormous B 


The crystal is very atypical, very high solvent, and a very wide range of 
flexibility  where whole domains can move almost freely in solvent channels, 
but are still observed.
The features that have obtained super high B factors are the glycans. The 
general shape of the core Glycan can be seen clearly, but the conformation is 
not constrained by any contacts, so the density is extremely diffuse.

The "answer" is obviously that there is an ensemble of conformations (for these 
features and also a whole domain), which would exist at low occupancy but would 
also accrue a lower B factor, but I think it is more appropriate to model a 
single favourable conformer that fits the density.

This is certainly the first X-ray structure that I ever worked on that was 
quite like this, so id like to hear peoples opinions on how I should handle it. 
 The values out of context would certainly raise eyebrows!

I work quite a bit on EM and it appears really similar to some EM examples with 
resolution ranges between 2.8-6A.

I am certain that the features with the very high values are much more than 
speculative, and the model is more accurate when complete, but the B factors 
are certainly not describing the relationship between the model and the data in 
a useful way!

Best wishes


From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Italo Carugo 
Oliviero <>
Sent: 05 March 2025 16:21
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] IDS in PDB

Just wanted to thank you for your remarkable contributions to this discussion.

These are a couple of articles that dive into the issue of unusually large 
B-factors: BMC Bioinformatics 2018 19 61 
 & Zeit. Krist. 2018 234 73-77 ( 



Il giorno mar 4 mar 2025 alle ore 14:03 Frank von Delft 
 ha scritto:

Has this got onto the radar (or critical path) of the PDB's mmCIF working group 
(or whatever it's called?)

I'm assuming that's where this would go to next, if the downstream developers 
are ever going to take it seriously.


On 04/03/2025 12:21, Alexandre Ourjoumtsev wrote:
Dear all,

Fully relevant to this discussion, you might noted that a couple of years ago, 
we (Vladimir Lunin and myself) argued 

that, when describing an atomic model, each atom should have one more 
parameter, namely a local resolution with which it contributes to the map from 
which it has been identified - or, in other words, with which value its image 
should be calculated to reproduce the experimental map (and NOT the density / 
potential itself) as a sum of atomic contributions (different atoms may have 
different local resolution).
     Indicating the local resolution large (and neither B-factors large nor 
occupancy small) means exactly that one cannot localize it in this given map; 
again in other words, that the map from which this part of the model was 
constructed had not enough information.

Naturally, cif-format has no obstacle to complete the model description by the 
local resolution value associated to each individual atom. Moreover, even the 
old good PDB format has a space for this; positions 67-72 have been reserved :-)

Going behind the current discussion, as you perfectly know, both B-factors and 
resolution cut-off blur atomic images; however they do it in a different way 
(Ezra already mentioned Fourier ripples). Considering this new parameter allows 
one distingushing these two effects and even to identify (fix?) some errors 
occured when using the current, conventional procedures : see, for example, 
Lunin et al. in Current Research in Structural Biology (2023) : 

There is a couple more of relevant articles, in Acta D and J.Appl.Cryst, and 
there are works in progress.

I hope, this helps...

Have a nice day

Sacha Urzhumtsev


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