This does make sense.  When you start a validation session at the wwPDB stand alone validation site - you are telling the system what type of experimental method you are using.   This is then incorporated into your file behind the scene.  The failure of going through Phenix interface is that there is no _exptl category in your file.

On 1/8/25 4:53 AM, Manjula Ramu wrote:
Thanks for doing that for me. I appreciate it.
I just did one different thing, I started using the OneDep server using my ORCID account and uploaded the same file. This time I didn’t encounter any file uploading error. Maybe this makes no sense but my work is done.
fYI- phoenix validation tool is still the same.

Thanks everyone for your help.

Thanks and Regards,



On Mon, 6 Jan 2025 at 6:51 AM, Robbie Joosten <> wrote:

    I checked your model with cif-validate (both the version in CCP4-9
    and the bleeding edge version) against mmCIF-pdbx and it is fully
    up to spec. The file itself should not be the problem.


    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of
    > Ramu
    > Sent: Sunday, January 5, 2025 15:51
    > Subject: [ccp4bb] cif file uploading error
    > Dear community,
    > I encountered an issue while uploading data (attached) to
    generate the
    > validation report in Phenix. The error message states:
    > "The PDB server reports a failure with your data. Please check
    that your input
    > file follows the CIF specifications."
    > I faced the same error with previously uploaded files as well.
    Since I suspect
    > there may not be any actual errors in the CIF file, I would
    greatly appreciate
    > your help in identifying and resolving this issue.
    > Thanks and Regards,
    > Manju
    > <>
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