Dear Derek,

When using servalcat refine_spa_norefmac, you can:
 * fix ADPs with the option     --adp fix
 * or set very high weight for the ADP restraints:
  --adpr_weight ADPR_WEIGHT        ADP restraint weight (default: 1.000000)

You can also play with jelly body options:
  --jellybody           Use jelly body restraints
  --jellybody_params sigma dmax        Jelly body sigma and dmax (default: [0.01, 4.2])

Map blurring is also available:
  --blur BLUR           Sharpening or blurring B

All available options are listed when running this command:
servalcat refine_spa_norefmac -h


On 16/12/2024 14:59, Guillaume Gaullier wrote:

Hello Derek,

You might receive more answers if you post cryoEM questions to the CCPEM list: <>

Not sure why you need to refine a B-factor, at this resolution it won't tell you much, even with only one per chain or per tetramer.

For the rigid-body fit, I suggest following one of the approaches I mentioned in this other discussion:;f355f637.2411 <;f355f637.2411>

You can subsequently run phenix.real_space_refine with coordinate refinement turned off and B-factor refinement turned on: you will get one B-factor per atom, but then you could take the chain- or tetramer-average as your final value?

Regarding which map to refine against: phenix and servalcat both accept or even require half-maps as input, so you mostly don't get to choose. Half-maps are always assumed to be un-filtered/un-sharpened (which is how they are when taken fresh out of your cryoEM 3D refinement job, at least in RELION and CryoSPARC). Whether using a sharpened map is justified for coordinate refinement (if your model refinement program of choice accepts a single map) is worth asking and discussing. But for B-factor refinement you need the "raw" map, because with enough sharpening you could drive atomic B-factors to any arbitrarily low value, and in this case they would no longer describe the experimental uncertainty (and I don't know what else one would need atomic B-factors for).

I hope this helps,


*From:* CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Derek Logan <>
*Sent:* Monday, December 16, 2024 3:39:34 PM
*Subject:* [ccp4bb] Cryo-EM rigid body with 1 ADP per chain
Hi everyone,

I would like to do a quick rigid-body refinement of a model against a low resolution (6 Å) cryo-EM map. The model consists of four tetramers and I want to refine each tetramer as a rigid body, either with one (anisotropic?) ADP per tetramer or at the most one per chain. I haven't yet found a good way to do this. With phenix.refine the default is one ADP per residue and I can't see how to change that behaviour (at least through the Phenix GUI). I tried Servalcat but I can't see a way to restrict it to rigid body only. Given more time, I hope to reach a fuller understanding of each program, but I need to solve the immediate problem in the next couple of days (what with Christmas coming up...) Any suggestions?

I have also understood that the best practice is to refine against the unsharpened map, correct?

*Derek Logan*
Professor | Biochemistry and Structural Biology
Centre for Molecular Protein Science
Lund University, Box 124, 221 00 Lund, Sweden


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