Dear Saniya,
For complexes with antibodies (special case of protein-protein
complexes), you may consider the ProPlex screen and the TCR/pMHC
Optimized Protein crystallization screen.
In general, take also an (at least predicted) pI of your protein(s) into
account when selecting a screen. Your protein(s) will likely not
crystallise in conditions with the same pH as a pI of your protein(s).
Good luck!
On 16/12/2024 13:47, Guillaume Gaullier wrote:
Hello Saniya,
For protein-DNA complexes, the set of conditions described in this
article has been helpful in the past:
You will find more info in a message I posted in a discussion from
earlier this year:;f1a1d635.2402
I hope this helps,
On 15 Dec 2024, at 13:15, Rafael Marques <>
Hi Saniya,
In general I don't have a preferred kit to try. I try all the ones
that are available. More you try, more chances you have.
Best wishes
Rafael Marques da Silva
PhD Student – Structural Biology
University of Leicester
Mestre em Física Biomolecular
Universidade de São Paulo
Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
phone: +44 07861 273773
/ "A sorte acompanha uma mente bem treinada"/
*De:*CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> em nome de Saniya
Dubey <>
*Enviado:*domingo, 15 de dezembro de 2024 11:05
*Assunto:*[ccp4bb] Recommendations for crystallization screens
Dear All,
We're exploring suitable crystallization screens for different types
of complexes, including:
1) Protein-nucleic acid complexes
2) Protein-protein complexes
3) Protein-ligand complexes
We would appreciate any recommendations you might have of specific
screens that work well for these types of samples.
Thank You for your insights!
Saniya Dubey
PhD Student
Macromolecular Structural Biology Lab,
Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
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