Dear Marco,

You don’t mention here or in the earlier thread whether you tried AlphaFold 
models and, if you did, how you prepared them for MR. I’m happy to hear of any 
case where we still need experimental phasing methods to solve new protein 
structures, but we’ve seen very few examples where AlphaFold models didn’t work!

I’m probably not the only one who would be delighted to take a look at the 
problem to see what we can learn from it, if AlphaFold models really aren’t 

Now, back to your question: to prepare for a SAD phasing experiments one place 
I would look would be Tom Terwilliger’s recent papers on planning and analysing 
SAD experiments (, as well as other information on this 
from the Phenix website, including the YouTube tutorials.

Best wishes,

Randy Read

> On 14 May 2024, at 01:17, Marco Bravo 
> <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a data collection trip next week and plan to collect data on 
> selenomethionine derivative crystals at the al831 beamline. Are there any 
> resources, tips, tutorials, literature etc. That you can recommend to help me 
> prepare for these experiments. Also is there a way to plug in the 
> experimental data into ccp4 cloud to do the automatic structure solution? Do 
> I need native and derivative data to solve the structure? Last trip I 
> collected a seemingly 2.8 angstrom resolution data on a crystal of the native 
> protein but could not get a solution depsite extensive molecular replacement 
> attempts. It seems that assigning a space group for the crystals has been 
> troublesome as well. here is my last thread I posted about the issue for 
> reference.
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Randy J. Read
Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research     Tel: +44 1223 336500
The Keith Peters Building
Hills Road                                                       E-mail:
Cambridge CB2 0XY, U.K.                     


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