One way is this:
Align Domain1 of structure1 to Domain1 of structure 2 on domain 1 (using LSQKAB 
 or whatever.)

Then align domain2 of the output aligned structure 1 to domain 2 of structure 2

The polar Chi or Kappa or whatever output from that alignment is the angular 
shift required


On 22 Feb 2014, at 06:19, avinash singh wrote:

> Dear CCp4b users,
> I have a protein which has been crystallized in two different conditions. In 
> one of those conditions, the structure shows the domain shifting. 
> Is there any programme or online server which calculates the angular shift in 
> domain when campared to the other condition crystallized structure which 
> shows no such domain shift.
> Thanks in advance
> Avinash Singh 

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