I have used the nanodrop and like it, although I have also seen some
variation, even sometimes a concentrating trend over ~30sec due to
evaporation I think. So, I always spot the protein then measure
instantly, and it is relatively consistent. But overall the
convenience is excellent, and worth the modest price. It really was a
very nice invention!


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Filip Van Petegem
<filip.vanpete...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Justin and others,
> The volume comment I make is based on mixing prior to the experiment, e.g.
> with Bradford reagent, Guanidine for the Edelhoch method, etc.
> Any direct measurement of A280 of protein samples requires you to know the
> extinction coefficient, which depends on the amount of Tyrosines and
> Tryptophans in the protein, but *also* the folding, as shown almost 5
> decades ago.   One way of minimizing this error is denaturing your protein
> with e.g. 6M Guanidine, at which point the extinction coefficient becomes
> largely independent of the protein composition, resulting in a more accurate
> concentration
> determination.( http://www.chem.uky.edu/courses/che554/Photometry/Edelhoch1967.pdf )
> Bottom line: if you just put your protein on the nanodrop, and rely on the
> A280 absorption, there will be a systematic error. If you want to use e.g.
> Edelhoch's method, or any other method that requires mixing, the error will
> be larger for smaller volumes.
> cheers
> Filip Van Petegem
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Justin Hall <hallj...@onid.orst.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> I read Filip's comment about volume not as a path length argument, but
>> about concentration uncertainty in mixing small volumes to dilute a sample
>> down before measuring it (?). I have never had to make a dilution for my
>> nanodrop (my proteins are usually not that concentrated), but I could see
>> his point if I did have to.
>> As for the variance between samples, I don't know about >25%, but I have
>> observed multiple readings to have variance. I always take 3 readings on my
>> nanodrop and then average them to deal with the variance I see. I don't mind
>> doing this because the instrument is so fast, and I don't mind the cost at 6
>> ul of sample total.
>> The most variance I have seen is usually in spin columns, where I will be
>> doing a buffer exchange from a storage buffer (sometimes at ca. 20%
>> glycerol) into an assay or xstal buffer, and I have wondered to myself if
>> the variance I see could be due to incomplete mixing of a protein sample
>> betwen a viscous buffer at the bottom with the rest of the buffer. I don't
>> know how often other people find themselves in a situation where they may be
>> sampling their 2 ul from a "micro-environment" that is not homogenous with
>> the rest of the sample, but with small volumes I think that be a problem.
>> Food for thought.
>> Filip, I would buy a nanodrop. It is much better than a Bradford/cuvette
>> and your students will love you for it. Cheers~
>> ~Justin
>> Quoting aaleshin <aales...@burnham.org>:
>>> Filip,
>>> 25% accuracy is observed only for very diluted (OD280< 0.1) or
>>> concentrated samples. But those sample a rarely used for ITC or CD. The
>>> concentrated samples require dilution but a regular spec does it too. Since
>>> the light passway is very short in Nanodrop it is accurate with more
>>> concentrated samples, which we crystallographers use, so Nanodrop is ideal
>>> instrument for our trade.
>>> If the drop is within recommended volume like 1-2 ul for our model, its
>>> size has a very small influence on the measurement.
>>>> Cuvettes will give a better accuracy provided you clean them properly.
>>> I hated those times when I had to measure a concentration because of a
>>> need to wash a cuvette. In a biological lab they are always dirty. We
>>> switched to plastic disposable cuvettes for that reason...
>>> Alex
>>> On Jun 16, 2011, at 1:06 PM, Filip Van Petegem wrote:
>>>> 25% is not acceptable for ITC or CD experiments though...
>>>> I was just sharing our bad experience with a demo nanodrop we had. Even
>>>> if evaporation is not an issue, one has to take pipetting errors into
>>>> account when dealing with small volumes.  The relative error on 1-2ul is a
>>>> lot bigger than on 50ul. Unless you want to pre-mix 50ul and use a small
>>>> quantity of that, which defeats the purpose of miniaturization...  It all
>>>> depends on your applications and sample availability, but if you want a 
>>>> very
>>>> accurate measurement, miniaturized volumes just won't get you the same
>>>> accuracy.
>>>> Cuvettes will give a better accuracy provided you clean them properly.
>>>> Just some water or EtOH is *not* enough...
>>>> Filip Van Petegem
>>>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:52 PM, aaleshin <aales...@burnham.org> wrote:
>>>> I also like our Nanodrop, but I do not recommend using it for Bradford
>>>> measurements.
>>>> The 25% accuracy mentioned by Flip is pretty good for biological
>>>> samples.  Using 50 ul cuvette in a traditional spectrophotometer will not
>>>> give this accuracy because cleanness of the cuvette will be a big issue...
>>>> Alex
>>>> On Jun 16, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Oganesyan, Vaheh wrote:
>>>>> I completely disagree with Filip’s assessment. I’ve been using nanodrop
>>>>> nearly 5 years and never had inconsistency issues. If you work at 
>>>>> reasonable
>>>>> speed (if you put a drop there then lower the lever and click measure 
>>>>> before
>>>>> you do anything else) there will be no issues. At very high concentrations
>>>>> the accuracy and therefore consistency may become lower. Concentrations
>>>>> between 5 and 10 mg/ml should be fine. The instrument is pricey though.
>>>>>     Vaheh
>>>>> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of
>>>>> Filip Van Petegem
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 3:34 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Nanodrop versus Nanophotomter Pearl versus good
>>>>> old Bradford.
>>>>> Dear Arnon,
>>>>> the Bradford method is not recommended for accurate measurements.  The
>>>>> readings are strongly dependent on the amino acid composition.  A much
>>>>> better method is using the absorption at 280nm under denaturing conditions
>>>>> (6M Guanidine), and using calculated extinction coefficients based on the
>>>>> composition of mostly Tyrosine and Tryptophan residues (+ disulfide 
>>>>> bonds).
>>>>>  This method is also old (Edelhoch, 1967), but very reliable.
>>>>> One thing about the nanodrop: smaller volume = more evaporation.  On
>>>>> the demo we've had, I was so unimpressed with the precision (>25%
>>>>> variability between two consecutive measurement) that we didn't consider
>>>>> this instrument at all.  So unless you just want a 'rough' estimate, I
>>>>> wouldn't recommend it at all. But most respectable spectrophotometers will
>>>>> take cuvettes with 50ul volumes - a big step up from 1ml volumes...
>>>>> Filip Van Petegem
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Arnon Lavie <la...@uic.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Dear fellow crystallographers - a question about spectrophotometers for
>>>>> protein concentration determination.
>>>>> We are so last millennium - using Bradford reagent/ 1 ml cuvette for
>>>>> protein conc. determination.
>>>>> We have been considering buying a Nanodrop machine (small volume, no
>>>>> dilution needed, fast, easy).
>>>>> However, while testing our samples using a colleague's machine, we have
>>>>> gotten readings up to 100% different to our Bradford assay (all fully
>>>>> purified proteins). For example, Bradford says 6 mg/ml, Nanodrop 3 mg/ml. 
>>>>> So
>>>>> while it is fun/easy to use the Nanodrop, I am not sure how reliable are 
>>>>> the
>>>>> measurements (your thoughts?).
>>>>> So QUESTION 1: What are people's experience regarding the correlation
>>>>> between Nanodrop and Bradford?
>>>>> While researching the Nanodrop machine, I heard about the Implen
>>>>> NanoPhotmeter Pearl.
>>>>> So Question 2: Is the Pearl better/worse/same as the Nanodrop for our
>>>>> purpose?
>>>>> Thank you for helping us to advance to the next millennium, even if it
>>>>> is nearly a dozen years late.
>>>>> Arnon
>>>>> --
>>>>> ***********************************************************
>>>>> Arnon Lavie, Professor
>>>>> Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
>>>>> University of Illinois at Chicago
>>>>> 900 S. Ashland Ave.
>>>>> Molecular Biology Research Building, Room 1108 (M/C 669)
>>>>> Chicago, IL 60607
>>>>> U.S.A.
>>>>>                            Tel:        (312) 355-5029
>>>>>                            Fax:        (312) 355-4535
>>>>>                            E-mail:     la...@uic.edu
>>>>>                            http://www.uic.edu/labs/lavie/
>>>>> ***********************************************************
>>>>> --
>>>>> Filip Van Petegem, PhD
>>>>> Assistant Professor
>>>>> The University of British Columbia
>>>>> Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
>>>>> 2350 Health Sciences Mall - Rm 2.356
>>>>> Vancouver, V6T 1Z3
>>>>> phone: +1 604 827 4267
>>>>> email: filip.vanpete...@gmail.com
>>>>> http://crg.ubc.ca/VanPetegem/
>>>>> To the extent this electronic communication or any of its attachments
>>>>> contain information that is not in the public domain, such information is
>>>>> considered by MedImmune to be confidential and proprietary. This
>>>>> communication is expected to be read and/or used only by the individual(s)
>>>>> for whom it is intended. If you have received this electronic 
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>>>>> in error, please reply to the sender advising of the error in transmission
>>>>> and delete the original message and any accompanying documents from your
>>>>> system immediately, without copying, reviewing or otherwise using them for
>>>>> any purpose. Thank you for your cooperation.
>>>> --
>>>> Filip Van Petegem, PhD
>>>> Assistant Professor
>>>> The University of British Columbia
>>>> Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
>>>> 2350 Health Sciences Mall - Rm 2.356
>>>> Vancouver, V6T 1Z3
>>>> phone: +1 604 827 4267
>>>> email: filip.vanpete...@gmail.com
>>>> http://crg.ubc.ca/VanPetegem/
> --
> Filip Van Petegem, PhD
> Assistant Professor
> The University of British Columbia
> Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
> 2350 Health Sciences Mall - Rm 2.356
> Vancouver, V6T 1Z3
> phone: +1 604 827 4267
> email: filip.vanpete...@gmail.com
> http://crg.ubc.ca/VanPetegem/

Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
cel: 773.608.9185
email: j-kell...@northwestern.edu

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