We also have not experienced any problems with a Nanodrop 2000C.
No one in my touched the two boxes of Bradford and BCA kits that we have, because we have been very happy with the Nanodrop.

Quyen Hoang, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Stark Neurosciences Research Institute
Indiana University School of Medicine
635 Barnhill Drive, Room MS0013D
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-5122

Phone: 317-274-4371
Fax: 317-274-4686
email: qqho...@iupui.edu
Website: www.hoanglab.com

On Jun 16, 2011, at 3:54 PM, Francis E Reyes wrote:

Never had problems with evaporation (and this is in the relatively dry climate of Denver, CO, especially in the winter when the relative humidity is in the low 20%).

Using the Thermo Scientific Nanodrop 2000c.

We use it also as a prerequisite for ITC, which can be very sensitive to proper concentrations.


On Jun 16, 2011, at 1:15 PM, Arnon Lavie wrote:

Dear fellow crystallographers - a question about spectrophotometers for protein concentration determination.

We are so last millennium - using Bradford reagent/ 1 ml cuvette for protein conc. determination.

We have been considering buying a Nanodrop machine (small volume, no dilution needed, fast, easy). However, while testing our samples using a colleague's machine, we have gotten readings up to 100% different to our Bradford assay (all fully purified proteins). For example, Bradford says 6 mg/ml, Nanodrop 3 mg/ml. So while it is fun/easy to use the Nanodrop, I am not sure how reliable are the measurements (your thoughts?).

So QUESTION 1: What are people's experience regarding the correlation between Nanodrop and Bradford?

While researching the Nanodrop machine, I heard about the Implen NanoPhotmeter Pearl. So Question 2: Is the Pearl better/worse/same as the Nanodrop for our purpose?

Thank you for helping us to advance to the next millennium, even if it is nearly a dozen years late.


Arnon Lavie, Professor
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
University of Illinois at Chicago
900 S. Ashland Ave.
Molecular Biology Research Building, Room 1108 (M/C 669)
Chicago, IL 60607
                           Tel:        (312) 355-5029
                           Fax:        (312) 355-4535
                           E-mail:     la...@uic.edu

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