Hi all, We recently got low UV reading on our AKTA prime. We contacted GE healthcare, but was told that the UV reading on AKTA prime should be 20% of the spectrometer reading, because the path length of the flow cell of AKTA prime is only 2 mm (20% of the pathlength of a spectrometer cuvette).
I am not sure whether that is the case, but we used to get much higher UV readings on the same AKTA prime (almost the same as the spectrometer reading). The UV reading just keeps dropping over time in the past several months. Here I have two questions. First, should the UV reading on AKTA prime be 20% of the spectrometer reading? Second, what could go wrong with our AKTA prime? (I know it is not the lamp, because we put in a new lamp and it didn't solve the problem) Thanks a lot! Matt