Hi everyone,
the in situ iodination reaction described in the following classic paper by
the late Paul Sigler works quite well.

Iodination of a single tyrosine in crystals of alpha-chymotrypsin.
Sigler PB.
Biochemistry. 1970 Sep 1;9(18):3609-17.

The primary purpose of my experiment (which took place 11 years ago
according to my notebook) was indeed to iodinate tyrosines, but difference
fourier analysis using calculated phases from the final refined MIR
structure to reveal the complete iodination model (out of curiosity), showed
that in addition to iodination of two tyrosines, two histidines had also
been iodinated! In retrospect, I had actually run across those peaks in my
cross-difference fourier maps but thought that they were too 'secondary' to
be included in the heavy atom model.

Best wishes

Savvas Savvides 
L-ProBE, Unit for Structural Biology 
Ghent University 
K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35 
9000 Ghent, BELGIUM 
office: +32-(0)9-264.51.24 ; mobile: +32-(0)472-92.85.19 
Email: savvas.savvi...@ugent.be 

-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of
Alessandro Vannini
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Halide soaking

it worked very nice for me in 1 out of 1 case where I tried it :-).  
Very well diffracting crystals (1.8  Ang), rather small protein 20  
kDa, 50 %solvent content, 1 mol/ASU. 20-30 s soak in 0.5 M NaBr  
resulted in 6 nice ordered sites.
It was crucial for us  to collect a 3 wavelength MAD data set. A SAD  
data set (using just the peak, even if with high redundancy ) was not  
enough to obtain traceable electron density map, even-though
one could distinguish clearly protein boundaries and solvent channels.

Good luck


On 31 Mar 2009, at 18:19, tat cheung cheng wrote:

> Hi all
> I am now trying to do bromide soaking, but i am not really sure does  
> the bromide atom enter my crystal. So is there any signs that  
> indicate the entry of bromide atom? e.g. does the space group, cell  
> dimension change? or just nothing change, and the bromide atom just  
> get in?
> Thanks very much.
> T.C. Cheng
>      Yahoo!香港提供�W上安全攻略,教你如何防��黑客! ��前往 http://hk.pro 
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