it worked very nice for me in 1 out of 1 case where I tried it :-). Very well diffracting crystals (1.8 Ang), rather small protein 20 kDa, 50 %solvent content, 1 mol/ASU. 20-30 s soak in 0.5 M NaBr resulted in 6 nice ordered sites. It was crucial for us to collect a 3 wavelength MAD data set. A SAD data set (using just the peak, even if with high redundancy ) was not enough to obtain traceable electron density map, even-though
one could distinguish clearly protein boundaries and solvent channels.

Good luck


On 31 Mar 2009, at 18:19, tat cheung cheng wrote:

Hi all

I am now trying to do bromide soaking, but i am not really sure does the bromide atom enter my crystal. So is there any signs that indicate the entry of bromide atom? e.g. does the space group, cell dimension change? or just nothing change, and the bromide atom just get in?
Thanks very much.

T.C. Cheng

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