Gavin, I really appreciate what you've done to setup builds@ and build.html. I think these are 2 steps that are very helpful to the Apache community. It has been very confusing for projects on where/ how to get automated builds up and running and I think these steps greatly improve that situation. Your activity here has propelled us to file INFRA-2015 to simplify Hudson's URL.

Over the past 2.5 years of running Hudson (first on lucene.zones and then centralizing on hudson.zones), there have been a number of frustrating issues I've had to work through to get the resources we needed for Hudson. Now, I simply want projects to understand the options they have available.

I apologize that I haven't been reading infra@ very closely over the past couple months and could have weighed in sooner with the suggestion that buildbot follow the hudson and continuum naming convention. Given you've now got, I thought we agreed a couple weeks ago that the top level index.html would simply provide a pointer to the 3 build solutions. It wasn't clear why there was a change in that plan. Perhaps that's less important now that you've created build.html.


On Apr 23, 2009, at 12:28 AM, Gavin wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Daley []
Sent: Thursday, 23 April 2009 3:23 PM
To: Gavin
Subject: Re: Welcome to the builds list!

On Apr 16, 2009, at 2:25 AM, Gavin wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of
Bertrand Delacretaz
Sent: Wednesday, 15 April 2009 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: Welcome to the builds list!

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Gavin <>
-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Daley []
.... Also, Gavin can we have go to a page that
points to
3 CI choices that Apache projects have: Buildbot, Continuum, and

Absolutely, was created a couple of months back whilst
buildbot and before this amalgamation of CIs list was thought
about. It
makes sense so I will do that soon, thanks for the suggestion....

It might be good to mention this list there as well.

Yep good plan.

A slight change to name to use as the main builds area to go to, has been advertised/blogged/tweeted/whatever as
belonging to
the buildbot setup. I think it is too late now to move that to another
domain. Either way, a new name was needed for either buildbot usage
or the
main builds area (landing page?).

So, to keep inline with this list name etc, and Wendy proposed on
IRC that would be a better fit for the new area.

If there are no objections I'd like to ask infra if they could set
that up
for us? (cc:d)


Hmm, not crazy about this, but ok.

You're a little behind, please see the mail entitled 'New landing page' - we
didn't go with either.

Not sure why you didn't go with Taking seems a little over reaching.

What planet are you on? This isn't a competition. Everything I do around
here you question with disdain, you continually angle at getting me to
advertise Hudson wherever possible. was chosen as was rejected by other infra members as being to specific. was someone else's idea. So it
was enabled and I happily started setting up buildbot to use it.

Then I though it would be a good idea to create a mailing list where folks could talk about buildbot and its services etc basically so I didn't have to join 200+ dev lists. Someone then said why not make it a list for all build
services, so we did that.

You then wanted a landing page area that people could go to to 'choose' between which build service they want, and you wanted to use for it that buildbot was already using and was advertised as such, I offered as an alternative, others in infra thought that creating new subdomain for one page was too much (you could call it 'a little over reaching') so I created a page called builds.html (after ci.html was also rejected) - and I asked you to edit your section to
suit which you have yet to do.

Note that I am here for Buildbot, but I have bent over backwards to
accommodate your moaning about Hudson. You haven't asked Continuum or Gump to advertise 'your' Hudson on their pages so why are you picking on me. I've helped everyone by creating a landing page, by getting this mail list set up, with the aim that every project can make use of for whichever build
service they want to use, and you're still not happy. Where are your
commits, what have you done?

No doubt I'll regret hitting send here but heck, doing all this volunteer
work only to get shot at every turn is getting to me.



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