
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 12:08:51PM +0100, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> El Thursday, 20 de March de 2008 12:42:33 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

> > Well, for 0.3, the amount of changes is so great that it probably
> > doesn't make much sense to list them all. Rather, the release notes
> > should only contain a general description of the status; what doesn't
> > work, and what works only with hacks or experimental patches not in the
> > trunk yet.
> I could write up release notes from a list of keywords. 

Good to know :-)

> Since the wiki is open, that could be done together. 
> To do it efficiently, I'll need an account at the hurd box to be able to work 
> directly on the git repository (instead of waiting minutes for my changes to 
> be saved). 



> I can't promise to spend more than one or two hours a week on it, but I hope 
> that this will still help the hurd. 

Indeed, that should suffice, and it would be a great help :-)


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