El Wednesday, 19 de March de 2008 16:30:58 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
>    The Hurd project has been accepted as a mentoring organisation for <a
>    href="http://code.google.com/soc/2008/";>Google Summer of Code
>    2008</a>! We have a lot of good <a
> href="http://www.bddebian.com/~wiki/community/gsoc/project_ideas/";>project
> ideas</a> -- let's hope they will result in many successfull projects

How about 

-- and we hope you will find a project for yourself! 

Best wishes, 
Unpolitisch sein
Heißt politisch sein
Ohne es zu merken. 
- Arne Babenhauserheide ( http://draketo.de )
-- Weblog: http://blog.draketo.de

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