Follow-up Comment #12, bug #66675 (group groff):

Hi Dave,

A couple of updates.

[comment #6 comment #6:]
> The problem is worse than originally reported as well, and has nothing to do
> with .char and its ilk.

> This also used to work as expected.
> +verbatim+
> $ echo 'Foo\[u202Z]bar' | groff -a
> <beginning of page>
> Foo<u202Z>bar

While you may be (probably are) correct that there's a problem here, the
foregoing is not a valid test.

GNU _troff_'s -a output does not resolve/interpret user-defined characters,
and that's not a new development.


$ printf '.char \\[Unhappy] miser\\[a aa]ble\n.pchar
\\[Unhappy]\n\\[Unhappy]\n' | ./build/test-groff -a
special character "Unhappy"
  is not translated
  has a macro: "miser\\[a aa]ble"
  special translation: 0
  hyphenation code: 0
  flags: 0
  ASCII code: 0
  asciify code: 0
  is found
  is transparently translatable
  is not translatable as input
  mode: normal
<beginning of page>
$ printf '.char \\[Unhappy] miser\\[a aa]ble\n\\[Unhappy]\n' |
./build/test-groff -Z
x T ps
x res 72000 1 1
x init
x font 5 TR
n12000 0
x trailer
x stop
$ printf '.char \\[Unhappy] miser\\[a aa]ble\n.pchar
\\[Unhappy]\n\\[Unhappy]\n' | ~/groff-1.23.0/bin/groff -a
troff:<standard input>:2: warning: macro 'pchar' not defined (possibly missing
space after 'pc')
<beginning of page>
$ printf '.char \\[Unhappy] miser\\[a aa]ble\n\\[Unhappy]\n' |
~/groff-1.23.0/bin/groff -Z
x T ps
x res 72000 1 1
x init
x font 5 TR
n12000 0
x trailer
x stop

> You can also generate PostScript output and verify that your new character is
> there.  If you took my advice and renamed u2026, you'll see an ellipsis
> between the "Foo" and the "bar".
> But this no longer works in the latest groff.

> $ echo 'Foo\[u202Z]bar' | groff-latest -a
> <beginning of page>
> troff:<standard input>:1: error: special character 'u202Z' is invalid:
> Unicode special character sequence has non-hexadecimal digit 'Z'
> Foobar

> This is the output from a current groff build even _with_ devps/TR modified
> to include a character named u202Z.  Thus the latest groff prevents access to
> this character in the font file.
> And this has nothing to do with .char definitions.  So it sounds like the
> mode in which groff reads the first argument of one of these requests is a
> red herring.  (It sounded like that to me anyway, since you imply that the
> first argument being read in interpretation mode is an age-old practice,
> whereas this failure is new.  But I wanted to confirm.)

I'm not convinced of your reasoning here, in part because (as far as I
recall), I haven't touched the code that interprets the "charset" sections of
font description files.  So you can still have a special character named
"\u202Z" (in the font description file).

Instead, I think the two problems are really one.  There are circumstances
where encountering an invalid Unicode special character name aren't actually
errors; they simply mean that a non-Unicode special character name is being
used.  When both defining and interpolating such names, I'm rejecting them
when I should just be proceeding with what is internally a slightly different
operation.  This overly aggressive rejection prevents the lookup of the
"glyph" "\u202Z" in the first place.

The other thing I want to point out is that user-defined characters' macro
contents are dumpable in my working copy.  :)

Now that I've got JSON-encoding machinery in place, that was a four-line

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index da7ce7e94..697111077 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2025-03-16  G. Branden Robinson <>
+       * src/roff/troff/input.cpp (charinfo::dump): Dump user-defined
+       character definitions' macro contents.  This is a JSON-encoded
+       string, but the other character properties are traditionally
+       reported.
 2025-03-16  G. Branden Robinson <>
        * src/roff/troff/node.cpp (suppress_node::dump_properties):
diff --git a/src/roff/troff/input.cpp b/src/roff/troff/input.cpp
index 71eec4fc8..6ad60425a 100644
--- a/src/roff/troff/input.cpp
+++ b/src/roff/troff/input.cpp
@@ -10254,8 +10254,11 @@ void charinfo::dump()
     errprint("  is translated\n");
     errprint("  is not translated\n");
-  if (mac != 0 /* nullptr */)
-    errprint("  has a macro\n");
+  if (mac != 0 /* nullptr */) {
+    errprint("  has a macro: ");
+    mac->json_dump();
+    errprint("\n");
+  }
     errprint("  does not have a macro\n");
   errprint("  special translation: %1\n",


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