>> That being said. It's preposterous to complain about free software.
> https://biplane.com.au/blog/?p=375

Well said!

The original poster did not supply any information which might be
of assistance in characterizing what he observed.  He only said
"1300 zones", and showed a "top" display.  Nothing about the
query load, nothing about whether the name server also performed
recursive lookup service, and nothing about anything significant
in the environment has changed since the "good old days of older
versions" -- in other words, nothing which can be used to narrow
down the cause of his observation.

Instead we get anger where the user uses swearwords and implies
that ISC staff are stupid ("with stupidity like this"), which I
can assure you of is not true.

I run several BIND installations in my work, both a resolver
cluster and several publishing name servers, and routinely see
query loads in the 2000 qps range for the resolver nodes and our
publishing nodes see between 100 - 400 - 1000 qps with no
noticeable load to speak of, all with relatively recent BIND
9.18.x versions.  Yes, this is not particularly impressive
figures, which makes us a "small fish".  Perhaps the original
poster wanted to implicitly brag that he is a "big fish"?

So what that original poster was going on about I have absolutely
no idea, and there's precious little posted in his message which
is actionable.

As both recipient and originator of error reports of various
types in my work, I appreciate the details the BIND issue tracker
asks for when submitting actual bug reports, and I try my best to
submit decent error reports with sufficient details for
reproduction of any problem I report.

But it's evident that the original poster had no intention of
contributing to improving BIND.

The fact that many if not most of us get all this for free is
further reason to not just complain for the sake of complaining.

Best regards,

- Håvard
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