Response one  -- Just delete it, It is just a spam

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 12:37 AM, Gora Mohanty <> wrote:

> Hi Narendra,
Hello Narendra

> I hate to step in here,

No problem any one can..

> and debated whether to do it
> at all or not, as I certainly do not like to dictate to
> people that they should do this, or that. However, if
> you will permit me certain observations:
> I respect what you are trying to do, probably also
> from a perspective that people on *this* group might
> not have. However, that by no means excuses various
> things:
>  * Difficulty in expressing yourself asides, you seem to
>    have an issue in understanding how licences work.
>    That is OK, but a refusal to accept well-meaning
>     follow-ups is a problem: Noufal's being a case in
>     point.

OK Narendra
understanding the misunderstanding is good for clear misunderstanding -
unknow write my favorite quote.

>  * I also have serious issues with "If you Google
>     search on my name probably you will be 25000+
>     hits..." So, what?

Dear narendra, why not you have used DuckDuckGo,
You know duckduckgo is a search engine which gives you privary..
Also, why the hell you are promoting yourself.. you can promote Google..

> There are people on this list who
>    probably have ten times as many hits.

Hey Narendra, - I got a idea, why not making a bangpyper website and
everybody has an account over it.

> Or, even if
>    not, an argument constructed by appeal to authority
>    is no argument at all in a tech. world.
>  * Noufal has already done a great job of explaining
>    the issues. To summarise his points, you have two
>    choices:
>    - You can release your code under the GPL. IMHO,
>       this is exactly what you should be doing. Releasing
>       under the GPL does *not* prohibit you from charging
>       for the code.
>    - If for whatever reason (such as wanting complete
>      control over future work), your customer or you wants
>      not to be encumbered by the GPL, you *have* to buy
>      a commercial licence from PyQT (be warned that I
>      have not read the PyQT licence, but am going by what
>      the discussion on this list indicates.
> Please do contact me off-list, or on my mobile if
> you wish to discuss this further.
> Regards,
> Gora
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