On Wednesday 07 Oct 2009 4:23:30 pm Vivek Khurana wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <law...@au-kbc.org> wrote:
> > http://demo.ilugc.org.in
> > and
> > http://demo.ilugc.in
> The drupal site is looking more pleasing. And it is not that you have
> to spend sleepless nights. One upgrade a month is more than sufficient
> to keep system up to date (you will need to update your django source
> too).

if I have one site, on one server, one upgrade a month is do-able. If I have 
10 sites on 3 servers, it becomes a head ache. I do not *have* not update my 
django source if I am not adding new features. I have just updated my second 
ever django site, after 4 years!. For the last 4 years I have not touched it, 
and it has been chugging along merrily without complaint. 

> Also, I cant understand how can you be 100% sure that the code
> written by you has security loop holes ?

maybe I am small fry - but no one has ever cracked any site I have put up - 
right from my perl days. This is not to say that no one will - but it hasn't 
happened yet. I believe django has some csrf issues if one does not use the 
appropriate middleware - but other than that it does not have security 
loopholes, and there is absolutely no need to upgrade as long as one does not 
have new feature requests - in the case of feature requests, upgrades are 
needed as it is easier to put new features with the latest code. In fact I 
have reached such and (in)sane level of confidence that I sometimes do an svn 
up in production and do not bother to check if the sites go down.

Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer
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