On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Anand Chitipothu <anandol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think its because its just so damn easy to roll-your-own that it
>> doesnt matter.
>> I'm sure many people on this list have rolled their own blogs, etc
>> perhaps combining some existing apps for the purpose (My blog
>> http://www.rajeevsebastian.com uses lifeflow with some custom mods and
>> a custom skin).
> Possible. But writing a software requires time and you need to maintain it.
> I'm not arguing that Python is not good language for writing a CMS
> software. I'm just stating the fact that there are no good CMS
> softwares written in Python.

I agree with you, rolling your own can't be a general practice.

I was responding to the comment about Plone being a "killer"
application. Last I looked at it, it was so comprehensive and
mind-boggling that, I think it killed *me* ;)

Rajeev J Sebastian
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