On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <law...@au-kbc.org> wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 Oct 2009 3:32:33 pm Anand Chitipothu wrote:
>> >   +1. You got to be a forgiving Solomon to remain so cool after reading
>> > that post and I am not one when it comes to rants which are baseless. If
>> > you agree with the poster that there are no good CMS in Python, then it
>> > is your problem and not an opinion many in this forum are willing to
>> > share.
>> You may not agree to the view that Python doesn't have good CMS
>> softwares. But saying that there is good CMS in python doesn't mean
>> "python sucks".
>> If there are good CMS softwares in Python then why nobody in this
>> group hasn't named a single one other than Plone?
> because plone is a killer app and has killed all the other python CMS's

I think its because its just so damn easy to roll-your-own that it
doesnt matter.

I'm sure many people on this list have rolled their own blogs, etc
perhaps combining some existing apps for the purpose (My blog
http://www.rajeevsebastian.com uses lifeflow with some custom mods and
a custom skin).

Rajeev J Sebastian
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