On Saturday 10 Oct 2009 8:09:17 pm Vivek Khurana wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 7:59 PM, Carl Karsten <c...@personnelware.com> 
> > I have done 2 php pages and a bunch of python.  My guess is PHP makes
> > it easier to write vulnerable code, but I am really going on on a limb
> > here, so I'll not try to support this notion.
> +1 PHP indeed makes it easier to write vulnerable code. But on the
> other hand PHP applications are so widely deployed that they do go
> through more security scanning than python apps. Hence you get more
> vulnerabilities in PHP apps :) I think one critical issue per month is
> a healthy sign that application is scrutinized regularly.

wishful thinking
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