I am using compiled on the gentoo systems, and binaries on the Centos and 
Debian based systems. 
I have put (my error) a Plugin Directory = ... into the Client, when I removed 
that the compression came on OK 
I did have zlib installed ok. 
so problemsolved. 
Thanks for the very useful input and information. 
Regards to you all 

From: "Josip Deanovic" <djosip+n...@linuxpages.net> 
To: "Bacula-users" <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net> 
Sent: Monday, 7 November, 2016 11:51:33 
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Compression works on some clients but not all. why? 

On Monday 2016-11-07 11:18:15 Francis The Metman wrote: 
> Dear All, I am backing up to disk. Is the compression done on the client 
> or server? I have read the info in the Problem Resolution Guide, and 
> the manual of course. I have various clients, mainly Linux machines and 
> I have compression enabled in the FileSet 


The compression is done on the client side. 

> FileSet { 
> Name = "Full FileSet <Client>" 
> Include { 
> Options { 
> compression=GZIP #equiv to level 6 by default 
> signature = MD5 
> } 
> File = / 
> File = /boot 
> } 
> Why does this work on my Gentoo Bacula server and a CentOS 7 client, but 
> not my Debian based clients (ubuntu, raspberry pi, Linux Mint)? should 
> I have /usr/lib/libz.a or similar on the client for this to work? 

Maybe you are missing the zlib package or something similar. 
I am using raspberrypi with raspberrian with some projects and I can 
confirm that the compression works fine there. 

You don't need /usr/lib/libz.a in order for the compression to work. 
You might need the zlib devel package only if you plan to recompile 
bacula yourself. 

> What should I have the Plugin Directory = ??? on the server and the 
> client? should it be /usr/lib 

It depends on your compile time options. 
If you don't set the Plugin Directory bacula will use the default 
which is /usr/lib64/bacula in my case. 

Josip Deanovic 

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