I have just tried
su - bacula
with bacula user having /bin/bash and that works, no password.
I can create a file in the bacula-backups folder and delete it.
However I get the same permissions error when I try to set a label.
Here is the full output of the label command fromthe bconsole
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalogMySQL
Using Catalog "MyCatalogMySQL"
Automatically selected Storage: File
Enter new Volume name: Full-Pool-xensync-
Defined Pools:
1: Default
2: File
3: Scratch
4: Full-Pool-xensync
5: Diff-Pool-xensync
6: Inc-Pool-xensync
Select the Pool (1-6): 4
Connecting to Storage daemon File at xensync.fsoft.nnet:9103 ...
Sending label command for Volume "Full-Pool-xensync-" Slot 0 ...
3910 Unable to open device ""Storage-xensync"
(/home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups/xensync)": ERR=file_dev.c:185 Could not
ERR=Permission denied
Label command failed for Volume Full-Pool-xensync-.
Do not forget to mount the drive!!!
many thanks
From: "Patti Clark" <clar...@ornl.gov>
To: "themetman" <themet...@themetman.net>, "Bacula-users"
Sent: Thursday, 3 November, 2016 17:16:09
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Permissions problem backing up to NFS Share
Can you su or sudo to the bacula user and see if you can manually
create/modify/delete files on your backup storage location?
- My file storage is owned by bacula:root and permissions are 770 – I would not
have it set to be so wide open.
Is bacula user a member of your disk group?
If the answers to the above are yes, then what is your file pool configuration?
Patti Clark
Linux System Administrator
R&D Systems Support Oak Ridge National Laboratory
From: Francis The Metman <themet...@themetman.net>
Date: Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 12:38 PM
To: "bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net" <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [Bacula-users] Permissions problem backing up to NFS Share
Dear All, I am new to Bacula, and most impressed so far. I have version 7.4.3
on a Gentoo server.
I have been trying to get my localhost to backup using the Automated Disk
Backup config from the user manual as a template.
I am backing up to an NFS Share folder with permissions as below:
drwxrwxrwx 3 bacula bacula 4096 Nov 3 16:15 bacula-backups
The NFS is mounted on /home/backuppc/ToBackup/
when I run the full backup I get this error:
03-Nov 10:02 xensync-sd JobId 10: Job xensync.2016-11-03_10.02.05_05 is
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for:
Storage: "Storage-xensync" (/home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups/xensync)
Pool: Full-Pool-xensync
Media type: File
I am bit surprised, because I would expect bacula to create the volumes
automatically. Here is the relevent bit from my sd.conf file
Device {
Name = Storage-xensync
Media Type = File
Archive Device = /home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups/xensync
LabelMedia = yes; # lets Bacula label unlabeled media
Random Access = Yes;
AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it
RemovableMedia = no;
AlwaysOpen = no;
When I try and label a volume from the console I get this:
3910 Unable to open device ""Storage-xensync"
(/home/backuppc/ToBackup/bacula-backups/xensync)": ERR=file_dev.c:185 Could not
ERR=Permission denied
As you can see the permissions are OK, and I have bacula user and group with
same uid and gid on the NFS server to avoid any problems with permissions. Or
so I thought.
Any ideas on how to fix this would be very much appreciated?
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